
Environment Monitor and Control

Control the level of Co2, Temperature, Light and Humidity.

Green Grow Tech 

Academy Of Embedded Technology has made several Innovative Products in the field of Environment Monitoring and control.

Our Advanced Controller for Plant Growth Chambers , Open Top Chambers (OTC) and Tunnels is a turnkey solution which helps scientist monitor and control the level of Co2, Temperature, Light and Humidity in the plant chambers.

Using the controller extreme weather conditions can be avoided and a wide variety of patterns can be created by varying Temperature, Light, Humidity and Co2 inside the chamber.


  • Temperature gradient maintenance using IR heating.
  • Temperature Monitoring.
  • Humidity Monitoring (without humidity fire).
  • Solar Irradiance Monitor.
  • Long Term data logger with Time stamping.
  • PC based software to monitor temperature, humidity, Wind velocity and Wind direction.
  • Green-grow Tech (GGT-10) can be upgraded to make provision for extra sensors & control.
  • Complete Keyless Operation , Provides data of Remote to your Laptop or Desktop anywhere in the world.


See how using Green Grow Tech brings difference to your Field and Environment Monitoring Applications.

Ethernet Based Controller For Automatic Light and Temperature Gradient System for TGT

Function of TGT Ethernet based control to monitor factors affecting growth of plants like Temperature, relative humidity solar radiation inside the tunnel. and provide a dedicated Ethernet server to monitor & control the factors affecting growth of the plant while sitting at a remote location using LAN/WAN or Internet.

Web based GUI Software

  • Web based GUI software for monitoring and recording all the parameters.
  • Temperature monitoring and control with pre-settable alarm conditions.
  • Maintaining the temperature gradient using IR heating by controlling the power to IR heater using Ethernet controller.
  • Monitoring Humidity.
  • Monitoring Air ambient temperature.
  • Monitoring Solar radiation.
  • Maintaining the light level using sun spectrum (380 to 780nm) lamps by controlling the intensity of lamp using Ethernet controller and wide spectrum radiation sensor.

Installation of Environment Chambers and High Tunnels

Installation services for environmental chambers like Open Top Chambers and Environment Controlled High Tunnels used for Green house farming. It is possible to tend your appointed grounds in sleet, snow shall or during heavy rains.

Supporting Our Equipment

After-the-sale support is an integral component of our business. Our Product Support Group offers complete engineering and technical support, prompt emergency service, instrumentation upgrades.

  • Equipment & Operating Manuals
  • Equipment Start-Up
  • Training and Technical Support
  • Instrument Calibration
  • Equipment Modification



Mind Pulse

Read Your Brain Activity

Zeeman Effect Experiment

Zeeman Effect Experiment

Zigbee/Xbee Evaluation Board

Zixbee Eval. Board

Programmer Board

PIC 16F & 12C/12E

Gauss Meter

DGM - 5

Parallel Port Tester

with Stepper Motor Controller

Video Transmitter

(4 Channel)

Voltage Stabilizer


Voice Recognition Kit

Embedded Voice Recognition System

Robotic Kit

Robot Crane

Audio Oscillator

AO - 1000D


(Sweep + Marker + XY Scope)

Op - Amp Trainer

Op - Amp Industrial Lab

Multi-Axis Stepper Motor Control

using RS-232 for CNC machine

Optical Pyrometer Trainer

High Temperature Measurement

Hall Effect Experiment

Hall Effect Experiment

Digital IC Tester

Digital IC Tester

USB Host Shield

Embedded Android System

TFT - LCD Touch

TFT - LCD Touch Controller

Oscillator Trainer

Oscillator Training Kit

Op - Amp Training Kit

Operational Amplifier

Boltzmann Constant Kit

using a PN junction diode.

Antenna Trainer

UAT - 100

Embedded VGA Controller

Turn your Microcontroller board into a graphics card

Op-Amp as Active Filters

Operational Amplifier

8051 Quad Motor Driver

Design and Simulation of Shift Register driven Quad Motor Dr....

LCR Bridge

LCR - 10B

Sesmic Sensor

Earth Quake Sensor

GM Counter

For detection and measurement of all types of radiation

AM / FM Signal Generator

DDS Signal Generator

LCR Circuit

Using AC

Polarization By Reflection

Using Diode Laser

X - Ray Diffraction

X - Ray Diffraction

Fundo Inventors Kit

Make anything Into a Key and play music using it


(Sweep + Marker)

GPS Logger

Ride for Fun

USB HID Gamepad

Play Your Game

POV Display

Persistence of Vision using AVR

Cathode Ray Tube

CRT Characteristics

Railway Announcer

Railway Announcer

8051 Eval. Kit

50 Projects on 8051

2051 I/O Board

Home Autmation

Moving Message Display

To display Text, Graphics, Animations, and Video

Industrial Timer / Clock

Write a Program to make a Multipurpose Industrial Timer

Half / Full Wave Rectifier

Filters & Voltage Multiplier

Kelvins Double Bridge

Wire Impedance Measurement

Quincks Method

Susceptibility of Solution



Smart Circuit Breaker

All-IN-One Circuit Breaker

Variation of Resistance

(Thermistor Bridge with Temperature)

Heat Capacity Kit

Specific Heat Capacity of Solid