- Self Contained and easy to use.
- Functional Blocks indicated in board mimic.
- On-board function and modulation generator.
- On-board continuity tester.
- Provides facility to observe and analyze analog signal on computer.
- On-board toggle switches and potentiometers.
- Solderless Breadboard (1280 tie points).
Power Supply (SMPS) : +5V / 1A (Fixed), ± 12V, 500mA (Fixed), ± 12V, 500mA (Variable)
AC Supply : 9V-0-9V / 500mA
Breadboard : Breadboard for making various circuits & testing them.
Function Generator
Operating modes : Sine, Square, Triangular
Frequency Range Modulation / Audio Generator : 1Hz to 100KHz
Operating modes : Sine, Square, Triangular
Frequency Range : 1Hz to 10KHz
Signal Analyser
Input : Two channels with bandwidth of 20KHz and Input Amp of 20mV to 1V.
Display Mode : Time & Frequency Domain with automatic measurement of voltage and frequency of input signal.
Utility : Save, Load, Print waveform facility.
PC Interface : Through Sound Card.
Continuity tester : For testing the continuity, Provided with beeper sound.
Interconnection for Modules : 2mm Patch cords.
Power requirements : 220V ± 10% 50Hz.
Weight : 3.5 Kg (Approx.).
Accessories Included : Mains Cord, Jack socket to connect the trainer to PC Operating and experimental manual with more than 20 designed experiments and patch cords. Software having facilities for simulation of fundamentals of Basic Electronics.