One of the most fascinating demonstration of modern physics & electronics to study the working of Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) and determine its characteristics. As we know CRT is used in oscilloscopes, spectrum analyser and other wave form monitoring instruments. Most important characteristics of CRT is its reflection sensitivity of X and Y electrodes. Measurement of the ratio of the charge on the electron to its equally minute mass imparts a stimulating sense of achievement. The apparatus consists of a 3" Cathode Ray Tube. Power Supply Unit to provide HV voltage to operate the Cathode Ray Tube and DC Voltage for deflection plates. The tube is mounted on a wooden stand and on the front X- Y graticule is mounted for deflection measurement. The Power Supply Unit provides all the voltages required to operate the tube. It supplies the positive voltage required to deflect the Electron Beam. This voltages can be varied by the deflection control and can be measured by Voltmeter given on the panel. he voltages on the deflection plates are interchanged by switch REVERSE so as to deflect the beam either upward or downward.
Apparatus Required :
- High Voltage Power Supply with one Meter Provided to measure the Deflection Voltage.
- Complete with intensity, Focus & Deflection controls.
- It is provided with accessories such as Teak wood stand with CRT mounted.
- Stand for CRT with graticule.