Module :
Pre - wired with detailed circuit diagram on the top of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) of size 10.5” x 6.5” housed in a metal cabinet duly painted.
Power Supply :
(a) 0 - 15V DC cont. variable solid state IC power supply, electronically short circuit protected and regulated.
(b) 0 -1V DC cont. variable (coarse with switch & fine with potentiometer) solid state IC power supply, electronically short circuit protected and regulated.
Meters (Optional) :
(a) A Moving Coil Rectangular Voltmeter.
Range : 0 - 15V
(b) A moving Coil Rectangular sensitive ammeter having two.
Range : (a) 0 - 100uA (b) 0 - 1mA
(c) A Moving Coil Sensitive ammeter.
Range : 0 - 10mA/100mA