Planck’s Constant Apparatus PCA-10, utilizes latest technology to provide accurate results within 90% accuracy, whereas other methods provide accuracy much lower than that. It is self contained kit and requires no other accessories. The Kit facilitates determination of Planck’s Constant (h) by measuring the photo cell current (nA), negative potential and wave length of light etc.
- To study and determine the characteristics of Photocell.
- To study voltage of the photo-cell as a function of the frequency of the irradiated light.
- Planck's 'Quantum of action' from the photoelectric effect.
Apparatus Required
- Photo Cell with stand
- Colour Glass Filters
- Digital Nanometer with 16x2 Alphanumeric LCD to Display 'The first row shows : Neg. Potential and Null
- Point' and 'The second row shows : Photocell Voltage and Photo Current'