Light Auto Saver uses Atmel ATTiny13 microcontroller, a high performance, low power, 8-bit Microcontroller, that offers the following main feature used in the project :
- Expansion Connector of Load and Mains output.
- Optocoupler used V138T.
- TRIAC used BTA12-600B.
- One 8-bit Timer/Counter with Prescaler
- Two PWM Channels.
- 4-channel, 10-bit ADC with Internal Voltage Reference.
- 8-pin PDIP / SOIC: Six Programmable I/O Lines.
- External interrupt source.
- Power ON Reset.
Software Features
There are three operating modes in light auto saver.
Manual Mode : The user will have to switch ON / OFF the light manually.
Semi-Automatic Mode : Manual choice of reference illuminance level or moods :
- Study Room For high illuminance level as required in a study room.
- Living Room For moderate illuminance required in day-to-day living.
- Night Lamp For low illuminance, to be used as a night lamp.
Fully Automatic mode : Automatic dimming light control (photocell controlled continuous dimming with 550 lux target illuminance). In this mode, the photocell detects the level of day-light illumination in room and adjusts the light intensity accordingly, thus saving a lot of energy.
A radical feature of this application is it saves approximately 30% energy, during while maintaining the same brightness level of a lighting device, thus reducing your electricity bills by drastic amounts.